Take home messages
Treatment Optimization of RR-DTC is supported on three main elements:
1) Timely Start of Systemic Therapy, 2) Right Selection of 1L Option, and
3) Maximization of Treatment Results
Delayed start of treatment with Lenvatinib in both RFST-adjusted ITT
(HR (95% CI): 0.53 (0.34–0.82); P= 0.005) and in the population age >65
years (HR (95% CI): 0.53 (0.31–0.91; P = 0.020) was associated with a
significant loss of PFS and OS in the SELECT trial, equating to a loss of
therapeutic opportunity
Use of Lenvatinib as First-Line systemic therapy resulted in longer PFS
and greater chances of achieving CR in the SELECT trial
RWE studies of Lenvatinib in RR-DTC patients endorse its use in non-
selected populations. Analyses of its use as First Line systemic therapy
has shown almost doubled ORR and better QoL outcomes compared to
the Second Line setting