Data from SELECT study
show better results in first-line
n (%)
Lenvatinib (n=261)
Placebo (n=131)
Secondary efficacy endpoints
ORR, n (%)
169 (64.8)
2 (1.5)
Complete response
4 (1.5)
Partial response
165 (63.2)
2 (1.5)
Stable disease
60 (23.0)
71 (54.2)
Stable disease ≥23 weeks
40 (15.3)
39 (29.8)
Progressive disease
18 (6.9)
52 (39.7)
Could not be evaluated
14 (5.4)
6 (4.6)
Exploratory efficacy endpoints
Median time to first objective
response, months
Disease control rate*, no (%)
229 (87.7)
73 (55.7)
Clinical benefit rate
, no (%)
209 (80.1)
41 (31.3)
Lenvatinib achieved a 65% ORR in 1L compared with 52% in 2L,
including a 1.5% complete response rate ALL in 1L Patients
Schlumberger M, et al. N Engl J Med. 2015;372:621–630.